SIIF #3 2021

COVID-19 Pandemic teaches some valuable lessons for all countries in the world to do some introspection. The impact of the pandemic globally disabled some sectors in the world: health, education, economic, employment, tourism, MSME, social, cultural and art.

Seeing this condition, It’s time that we not only focus on the health and economical crisis, but also recover and grow to become a stronger nation. Recovery from pandemic must be realised from vision, action and enormous transformation.

Analyzing the conditions of various global sectors due to the pandemic crisis, Department of Visual Arts, The Faculty of Arts and Languages, Universitas Negeri Semarang, raising a positive spirit for all illustrators to carry out the transformation of post-pandemic with full spirit. To gather the positive spirit, Department of Visual Arts, The Faculty of Arts and Languages is going to present an event namely SIIF (Semarang International Illustration Festival) #3 2021.

This event is going to be divided into three series of activities: international illustration artwork exhibition, national illustration artwork competition and artist talk with the main theme: “Restart” and also to celebrate the Month of Language and Arts UNNES FBS. Hopefully with this event we can welcome the new spirit of post-pandemic transformation with brilliant action.


Adapun tema SIIF #3 2021: Lomba Menggambar Ilustrasi Tingkat Internasional kali ini adalah: “Restart” 

Ketentuan Peserta

Kompetisi ini terbuka untuk Pelajar SMA/SMK Sederajat dan umum dimanapun berada (Internasional), serta lebih mantabnya lagi nie lomba bersifat gratis dan berhadiah.

Ketentuan Karya:

Karya orisinil peserta sesuai tema, dan tidak terkait dengan pihak manapun, bernilai positif dan tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, Kekerasan berlebih dan tidak melanggar hukum. 

Adapun detail ketentuan karya silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah sumber utama di akhir artikel ini.



19 Oktober 2021 


20 Oktober 2021

Pengumuman Pemenang 

25 Oktober 2021

Hadiah dan Penghargaan

Adapun hadiah dan penghargaan dalam [Gratis] SIIF #3 2021: Lomba Menggambar Ilustrasi Tingkat Internasional kali ini adalah sebagai berikut:

“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk Menginspirasi.” — Mimin

Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut: